Thank you friends. Just something I had to get off of my chest.
Brother of the Hawk
JoinedPosts by Brother of the Hawk
A small gift for all of us that have been abused by the WTBT$
by Brother of the Hawk inmy first poem, i've written in over 30 years.. to all of my new friends and those yet to come.. the powers to be.
my day started early, 2:30 am.
i lay in bed to wonder, who i am.. midlife has come, my light is growing dim.
HA! Take that Watchtower! One less Borg for you!!!!!
by Gojira_101 inlast week a friend of mine contacted me out of the blue asking if we could have lunch together.
my friend has been studing with the jw's on and off for about 11-12 years i think.
she has told me everytime i see her that she can't wait for jehovah to end this evil world...she can't wait for the new system...the end is so close....etc.. i sent her a message back telling her that i left the jw's and asked her if she had heard that.
Brother of the Hawk
ABible Student: Gojira's dad here. I would like to answer part of your question If I may. "Spiritually strong"( non thinking )JWs will stay with WTBTS. Spiritually strong( thinking) JWS will also stay with WTBTS, because of family and friends.
Spiritually weak (still thinking) JW's will also stay with WTBS because of family and friends, there have been many threads started here where both statements can be proven true.
I can only relate our story. NE and I and Gojira have always considered ourselves, as you put it , "Spiritually strong" we were the ones who would be called at the last mnuite to give a substitue talk, when I was serving as a MS I cannot tell you how many times I covered parts because others begged off on their parts. Spiritually strong , YES. Thinking for ourselves, YES,
Our problem has always been seeing the imperfections of men. Very soon there is going to be a video on youtube where NE and I video taped an elders meeting with us, BTW Gojira was in the next room taking notes through the door...
The biggest problem though we would see constantly Elders pushing their own personal opinion as scripture.. Again, MEN. We still believed this was God's ORG. Untill one day while getting reaquainted with a friend for over 20 years, also a "Spiritually strong" man came to visit us, we were catching up on things, (a move to another state has seperated us) I had made a comment "JWs are the most self decieved people in the entire world, they think the Elders are going to be there when they need them, they will not be". Well this gave my beloved BROTHER the opportunity to tell us about TTATT. At that time he was not posting here yet. What did it for NE and I was when he said he now believed Christ died on the cross. The best thing he did was encourage us to do OUR OWN research, and gave us the sites to visit. For the first time in over 45 years NE and I could see the LIES with the ORG. it was no longer men. You see we had enough respect for our friend that we listened to him, instead of throwing him out. Being spiritually strong also means having enough love to hear someone out, even if it's contrary to belief.
Being "Spiritually strong" means being able to see the lie and readjust your thinking yourself, and not letting others do it for you. Being "Spiritually strong" also means knowing there are consequences that have to be paid, We lost all our family, except our Daughter and her husband. That is a price we were willing to pay. We are so thankful that he spoke up. Thank you so much my dear, dear friend. I Love you!
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
HA! Take that Watchtower! One less Borg for you!!!!!
by Gojira_101 inlast week a friend of mine contacted me out of the blue asking if we could have lunch together.
my friend has been studing with the jw's on and off for about 11-12 years i think.
she has told me everytime i see her that she can't wait for jehovah to end this evil world...she can't wait for the new system...the end is so close....etc.. i sent her a message back telling her that i left the jw's and asked her if she had heard that.
Brother of the Hawk
Lost: NE forgot to mention regarting the tetragrammaton. IT is spelled Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh, but it is pronounced Yud-kay-vav-kay. The H is pronounced as K. Here in the U.S. it is easy to understand this. San Jose Calif. is pronounced San Hose' the J is H.
David H Stern did a very good job with the Complete Jewish Bible, and does claim to be a Christian.
Hope this helps
affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
The day JEHOVAH.....went POP!
by Terry inthink about this.. go way back...far far back in history.. .
go back before the internet.
go back farther.. go back before newspapers, tv and radio.. .
Brother of the Hawk
So that other posters realize this, Unicorns do not exist. Those scriptures listed above, Unicorn is ONLY stated the the King James Version, which is a government issued bible. I have 12 translations here at home, all those scriptures are refering to the "wild oxen". Just to be clear!
affectionately: Brother of the Hawk (I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
Are we all missing the true 'MARK' of the Wild Beast?
by Newly Enlightened indisclaimer: hubby & i have been watching a 5 dvd documentary on the 'secret's of the founding father's' we're not sure if we believe everything they talk about but here is some interesting things to think about..... revelation mentions that the 'mark' would either be on the forehead, [for everyone to see] or, on the right hand [if you make a fist, it is hidden] rev also says that no one can buy or sell without this mark.
the wtbt$ isn't too clear on what they believe that mark is, so.... what is one thing that we cannot buy or sell without?.
Brother of the Hawk
Heathen: The newer theories are focused on the end of paper currency and the RFID chip being implanted so they can track your movement all over and control what you buy . Makes sens to me . Only time will tell
BOTH. I have been hearing this theory for along time now, and nothing seems to be getting done about it. My take on this idea is this, to get the entire world to accept such a chip is ludicris, governments would be met with such opposition it would be impossible to impliment such a thing. They can't even stop a war, how could they even manage this.
NOW, lets get the entire world to voluntarily accept a chip, its already in your cell phone, Ipads, note books, some automoblies already have tracking devices in them. Semi-trucks already have them in them. Every street corner has surveilance cameras, with all the tracking devices already in place, what further purpose would a chip in the human body possibly serve? And the above mentioned items, It seems we cannot live with out them!!!!
My personal opinion regarding tracking the money is simply this, some sort of credit/charge card. When your employer pays you it goes to the card, when you purchace an item the transaction is already done, including the paying of the proper taxes. We are already being trained for this. Direct deposit into your bank account, on-line payment of your bills. Even here in N.M U.S.A., Fish and Game has gone completely paperless, if you do not apply online for your hunting permit, you dont go hunting. So in a sense we are already being conditioned to do everything electronicaly, so again what purpose would a chip in the human body serve? we are already voluntairly carrying such a chip .
While everyone is waiting for a big thing that is easly recognizable, all this subtle stuff is sneaking in, and no one squawks about having the mark! Unless your awake and see what is truly going on, you will be caught off guard.
It's the frog in boiling water!!!
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever )
MUSIC - Giants of the Past V Wimps of the Present .. are kids losing out ?
by *lost* inchance encounter with cantleave.
re; led zeppelin, iron maiden ect.. combined with a little chat with my daughters yesterday about drink, drugs and society.
( the herb being harnless v the shrooms ).
Brother of the Hawk
Being a drummer myself, all my life, I miss the raw talent of yesterday, 70's 60's 50's and yes, sing sing sing. ( Benny Goodman) When I use to get to gether with friends who asked to hear a drum solo, I would break out and do sing sing sing, not only did they not recognize it, they were amazed. Boy did I fool them. But as a drummer my favorite is wipe out, the last time I performed it in front of a live audience ( about 6 years ago) We got a standing ovation. I was surprised to see that, after asking why, I was told most modern day drummers do not know how to play wipe out. How sad
Affectionately : Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever )
The "Flood" in Noah's day--why wasn't that Armageddon enough?
by Terry inthe great day of god the almighty certainly is a fit description for the destruction of men, women, children, grandmothers, infants and puppy dogs in the days of noah.. why didn't destroying everybody on earth except a remnant of 8 count as armageddon?.
i mean, if you are starting all over by genocide--shouldn't it count for more than bad temper?.
what are we missing?.
Brother of the Hawk
Good Question Terry,
Blondie, your explaination is what I have also learned through WT. Now that I know TTATT, I have another question regarding this.
NE and I have watched, ( long ago) a DVD regarding the Great Flood, even with science disagreeing on this subject, some pionts are logical. One point was at some time all continents were joined together. Some theorized this is when the continents seperated and shifted, without a long scientific explaination as to why they though like that , to me I made sense. And what better way to keep man seperated than to divide the land mass. It was not untill the tower of Babble that mans language was confused, forcing man to migrate to these seperated land masses.
One other point, I have read that the Nephilim as a hybred were not able to reproduce. How did the WT come to that conclusion? Were they their?
If the Nephilim were able to reproduce could they eventually breed out the imperfection?
The Book of Enoch was very enlightening, there is more details about the pre-flood time in mans history.
The flood stopped all that , and slowed down the demonic influence upon man, untill the tower, and once again we see God stepping in.
My friends we are there once again, all language barriers are broken down, man has split the atom, and it appears gene splicing, growing genes, growing organs will answer our hope to live forever. "There is nothing they have in mind they won't be able to do"
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
Day One After Armgeddon written by a JW awaiting the Big A w/eager expectation - Warning: LOOOONG!!!
by Eve Deceived inonce we found out we were all witnesses, we all hugged.
now we just had to see if our kingdom hall was still standing.
when we came to the hall we had such a huge shock.. there were so many people there.
Brother of the Hawk
Eve Deceived: Nice to see a post from you, haven't seen any yet, other than your intro. post, by the way, have you been visited yet?.
This piece of fiction, from my perspective, sounds like a JW who has spent many years as a JW, now realizes the new system is almost 40 years past 1975 and the only way it can still remain real to them is to fictionize it. As story writing goes it is very much missing something, REALITY!
I am willing to bet, all thier JW friends just loved it, and have even asked them to write another story, you know, the one describing the termoil after the 1000 years, when Satan is let loose to wreck havoc again!!!! That should be real interesting.
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever )
God Forbid!!!
by Stubborn Disbeliever inso my husband and i have 2 daughters.
i've always wanted a whole bunch of kids, yes, even being raised a jw.
my grandma is soooo against children.
Brother of the Hawk
Congrats. Hope things go well.
jgnat said: children detract from field service hours.
BOTH: field service is where Gods blessings are!! Yeah right!!!!!
Children are a Blessing from God
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk (I will never surrender my mind no more, forever )
Ancient mystery in New Mexico desert- Ancient Paleo-Hebrew stone
by Brother of the Hawk inif anyone is interested in archeology and mysteries, here's one for you.
the university of new mexico cannot explain this one.
but here is a short youtube video that will blow your mind.
Brother of the Hawk
NE here. Have to use Hubby's posts because mine are usually used up by noon.
Quote from Jgnat's article above:The main mystery might be solved, but the DNA match doesn’t explain the other looming question: Why does this coyote look so un-coyotelike?
Coyote's do not have fangs that overlap/overbite like that and are 2-3 inches long, they do not have black skin, even with Mange. Hubby tans Coyote skins, hair on or off, and has NEVER seen 3 inch fangs or black/gray skin on a coyote! Those teeth are more like the Southwestern Javalina than canine.
I think someone has been doing some genetic tampering.
Below is a picture of normal healthy coyote. Notice the teeth! Also, where the canine teeth are located, size and the shape!